Haxella Dynamics is a leading manufacturer of Magnetic float Level switches in Delhi. Magnetic float Level sensor combines reliable design with wide range of material of construction to make it suitable for Level control of various liquid in tanks & open pits. Its unique features like easy installation, fail-safe operation and low cost, makes it versatile. Hermitically sealed reed switches are enclosed inside the sensor stem, which are actuated by the magnetic floats. Floats are specially designed to encapsulate permanent magnets inside them. These floats traverse up & down on a fixed distance between their stoppers outside the sensor stem & are such designed to make them float on the liquid surface. Separate floats are provided for each Level set point. Contact of in-housed switches changes with up/down movement of floats in correspond to rising/falling of liquid Level inside tank, thus giving potential free contact outputs which can operate remote devices/PLC etc. The sensors are rugged in operation, available in SS / PP construction & are manufactured in different lengths for single or multi Level sensing. These Level sensors can also be wired to a separate Cirrus Level Controller unit, which incorporates Level hold on circuitry & potential free contact relay outputs of 5 Amp., for controlling single / 3 phase Pumps/motors or valves
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